Friday, May 26, 2017

Field trips and Summer birthdays!

This post is so bittersweet, as the school year has ended.  But I wanted to document the week in Emma's class.  I guess I am sort of that obnoxious parent that participated as much as I could - the first to sign up for the field trip or want to come in for things even if parents weren't really invited:)

I actually just love the chance to see Emma with her friends, in her everyday world that I am not a part of.  And, I have truly enjoyed being able to spend one on one time with her after having Merritt.  Merritt consumes so much of me and my time, and I miss so much my time with just Emma.

Last week, the 4 year old classes went to the Piedmont Wildlife Center.  I drove Emma and 2 of her friends:)

All the Awesome Owls!

Love how the girls are on one end, minus Jane - she's kickin it with the boys!!

It was hot and humid, but these kids enjoyed it.

The owls were pretty cool, and the hawks. 

This hawk made squawking noises and was Emma's favorite - probably because his leash was purple.

A few days later, the class celebrated all the summer birthdays.  Truth is, I had forgotten Emma's medicine, so I needed to take it to her, so I got to see the party:)


Emma leading the prayer before snack (aka ice cream)

Ms. Messick holding Merritt - love that these sweet teachers love on her too!

These pictures are exactly why I stopped working - so I could enjoy these moments.  If my job were closer, yes, I could still work and see this.  But it wasn't....and I'll gladly take the pay decrease anyday!

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