Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Last day of Daycare

Today was Emma's last day of daycare.  She moves on to Pre-K at Westminster School next week.  While I am so excited for her new class, and the new friends she will make, it is definitely a huge day for me, filled with 4 years of memories.  Primrose School was great to us...and Emma made some really good friends and had some wonderful teachers these past few years.  It's certainly the end of an era for me, and her.  I can remember vividly my search for a daycare (at the last minute) with a newborn.  I knew when I walked into Primrose that it felt right.  I watched her grow from room to room (they move up about every 6 months), and adjust like a champ.  Her wonderful teachers taught her things that I know I would have failed at.  And the stacks of art and papers that Emma brought home still fill my home and heart..I can't seem to throw any of them away:)

Emma's first day - August 22, 2012

But as we transitioned to part time (3 days a week) 2 years ago, I began to notice that what once seemed like an awesome deal (for both of us), was turning sour.  Being part time was great, and still is, but it has it's challenges.  I constantly feel like I am all over the place - trying to do everything in half the time.  And Emma was only at school 3 she was missing out on the other 2 days.  And then, her 2 buds moved schools this past summer.  Emma has been home with me for the past 2 summers (for June and July) and I have to say, it was the best.  I was calmer, more focused on her, and my house was in order.  We had time for fun things, and time for "life" things that have to be done.  When we transitioned back to daycare this August, Emma really wasn't feeling it.  She was in a larger, new class, with new teachers and a lot of new kids.  And her old buds were not there.  She complained every night before the next day of school, even would sob about it.  I picked her up one day 2 weeks ago and she was in tears and didn't want to return.  I know nothing terrible happened, but I think she really just didn't like all the change and chaos.  I don't think she really felt a part of the class.  She's been glad for her "last day" and is excited to start a new because she only has to go until lunchtime:)

Emma's last day - August 31, 2016

It's bittersweet for holds a lot of memories, and some regret as well.  I don't know if regret is the right word, but I do lament the fact that I feel like daycare raised my child for 2 years.  I was a weeknight, weekend parent.  Someone else (probably more qualified!) was with my baby all day.  When I went part time, I was fully aware of the challenges of having a child all day long, but was excited. This time is precious.  She will have the rest of her life to be in school, and right now I want to savor every moment I can with her.  She needs social interaction and learning, but for now, 9-12 is just right.  My sweet Emma will start kindergarten next year....cue the tears!

You can read about Emma's first day of daycare here:)

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