Monday, August 1, 2016

Our Summer.....

What a summer....nothing too spectacular, but oh so special.  This being my last summer with just Emma and Brent...I really tried to make sure it was nothing short of loving, patient, and filled with good memories.  
We didn't have any fancy trips or vacations, but we had a blast.  
I tried to make sure Emma felt loved, special, and learned something new every day.  
I learned that I can be more patient, if I try:) And that life was better for all of us with just a little more effort on my part.  
I watched Emma grow from a shy almost 4 year old to a beaming, full of personality, smarter than me little girl.  I adored our time together, more so than any other summer. 
 I am so blessed to be able to be her mother, and so proud of the girl she is growing to be. 

Emma is all girl...she loves makeup, playing with dolls, and wearing dresses...

But also knows how to have a good time...and loves the boat!

and the lake..

and is sassy....

and silly...

and thinks posing in front of plants is optimal for all photos...

and hates it when I embarrass her in public by even talking to her in front of her friends (the nerve!)

She wants her mommy when she's tired or under the weather...

loves going to the gym with me...

 and making faces....

She loves sugar....candy, cupcakes....she'll take it all!

And she's a professional Target shopper...especially in the dollar section.

She loves books every night, and snuggles before lights out.

She's an excellent boat driver so far, too...

and big time colorer...

She loves the cats..

and has mastered multi-tasking:)

She "reads" her Bible (already better in that department than me)

She's an excellent bed-maker....

and karaoke singer!

She wants to take dance lessons this fall...

 and desperately wants to swim without her floaties.

She's fiesty....

But sooooo loving...

 Man oh man...I am one lucky mama to have this one.  Emma, you truly make my heart skip a beat and I cherish every single memory we made together this summer:)

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