Thursday, September 25, 2014


Fall is almost a new beginning for many.  Everyone is tired of the heat, ready for the colorful, crispness of autumn and all the new things/challenges that it brings.  Life seems to slow down a bit (or so I tell myself), and I have a chance to re-think my life and family.

So I came up with goals, for me, for Emma, and for us as a family.  I hope it helps inspire others to do the same.  

1. Cook 2 new meals a month.  This seems strange, but I get in dinner ruts often.  I get fixated on the same few meals that are easy to make during the week.  Now that I am part time, I really want to focus more on cooking some new things for my family.  Can we say Pinterest????

2. Do more things as a family.  Life has been very busy lately, and Brent and I find ourselves taking turns getting things done and passing Emma-duty around.  I'm okay to admit this, and I'm certainly not proud of it.  I want to do better as a family at spending time together - all 3 of us.  Emma loves to have both mommy and daddy next to her in the mornings, and what better memories to give her than the 3 of us spending time together?  

3. Limit my time on social media.  This is a huge one.  I really feel like I'm getting on social media for the wrong reasons, and I need a reality-check here.  I came across this beautiful print on Pinterest, and was soooo convicted....

4. Keep up my workout routine.  I recently started going to PopUp workout, and I have to say, I'm really proud of myself.  I don't really like working out, and I hate being sweaty.  I've been trying to go once a week, and so far am doing pretty good.  I love the atmosphere, the intensity, and the fellowship of meeting new people.  No meat-heads, no smelly equipment (except for myself), and childcare!

5. Spend more time with friends.  I really don't get out much, or when I do, my time is scattered with chasing Emma around.  I would really like to have more girl nights, and more time that helps me be a better mom.  Social media is so consuming, and I'd like to spend more physical time with my friends, rather than just "liking" their posts. 

6. Bring back date night.  Brent and I don't get out much without Emma.  It's actually really sad how little time we have to ourselves (intentional time - not the half hour on the couch before bed).  I'd like to do something (even if it's just something small) at least once a month together, without Emma.

7. Get out more.  I love going on trips, but between Emma, work, and family weekends are so precious.  I recently read where a friend went on a one night excursion to the mountains - impromptu and kid-free.  They re-grouped about their summer and planned for the fall with their family.  My need to control everything screams at the thought of a one-night, last minute trip.  But the thought of being spontaneous and growing together as a couple, or family, makes my heart smile.  I love going to new places, and exploring things.  But I often get stressed out or anxious about logistics (will Emma sleep?  what if I don't like it? what if someone gets sick and we can't enjoy it?) mind is full of crap!  We rarely go anywhere...and that's ok.  We don't take exotic trips to tropical islands, and we don't have a vacation home.  But we can still enjoy getting out of town and enjoying each other. 

8. Read a book.  I'm not going to get all ambitious and say "read one book a month."  Let's get real, here.  If I finish just ONE of the 5 books on my nightstand, then we will be making some progress.  I have some really good books waiting for me, and I have no idea why I haven't picked them up.  Can it be that I am scared of failure? Scared that I won't ever really follow-through and finish reading the whole thing????

9. Stay on budget.  As a family, we have been trying really hard to set a budget and stay with it. We are not poor by any means, and I am thankful for each and every thing we have and can afford.  But it's still really important to set boundaries and goals.  Brent and I were realizing that if we weren't conscious of our spending, things were adding up really quickly, and we had no idea what we had just spent our money on.

10. Transition Emma to a big girl bed. She hasn't climbed out of her crib yet, but she's thinking about it.  She threatens to during nap time (which, by the way, she has been refusing lately - sigh).  Going on trips has been hard because she really is too big for the pack n play, so my thoughts are that moving her to a big girl bed will make it easier.  Feel free to insert your own 2 cents here....

11. Be a better teacher.  This goal is two-fold.  I want to be a better teacher at work and at home.  I am spoiled by awesome daycare teachers that create structure and a learning environment that I can only dream of.  But I want to carry this out at home, especially since I am more present.  I also feel a sense of renewal at work.  It's very easy to get stuck in a rut and get burnt out.  I recently was asked to do a Program Review over the summer for another college's learning center.  I was flattered, but scared to death since I had never done one.  The experience was great, and I'm sure I learned more from them than they did from my report...but nonetheless, I was energized to start some new practices in my own job.  

12. Potty training.  (Do I need to say anything else???  Again...insert advice here.)  Many, many prayers of patience will be needed.  I don't like to sit around, so the thought of sitting on the potty all day (or near one) sends me into orbit.

13. Live in the moment.  The quote below really spoke to me.  I want to enjoy every second of where I am and who I am matter what.  I don't want to wish I were anywhere else.

I spent half my morning at work one day looking at quotes on Pinterest to hang up around my office space to help inspire students....and myself (and for it was totally work related).  I leave you with these that are such great reminders for me.

1 comment:

  1. Yes to this! I'm on the same page with you on so many of these! Maybe we should do a GNO together!!
