Wednesday, January 10, 2018

New Year, new thoughts...

I spent the start of the new year sleeping...or resting...rejuventating...recovering...however you want to spin it.  I don't think I've seen a midnight since Emma was born actually!  And I have no problems with that at all!
This year, I have so many thoughts racing through my mind.  2017 was a BIG year for us.  It was full of a lot of ups and downs and challenges and changes.  It was monotonous and unpredictable at the same time.  Coming out on the other side now, I can start to really focus on getting into a routine, getting some of ME back.  I am forever a mother, but I do miss the things that made me ME and not MOM all the time.  Slowly...and in time...they will come.  2017 taught me that these phases do end, and they will change and that chaos and sadness do not last forever.  2017 also taught me that I am stronger than I thought I was, and that if you think it, you can do it.  I knew early on that I could not change my circumstances with a sleepless and nursing only baby.  But I could change my attitude.  I could chose to be happy and thankful or I could chose to let it consume me.  

In 2018, I have decided I want to be more intentional - with my thoughts, actions, and friendships.  I want to continue taking care of me with working out and making good eating choices (note I am not dieting and I will never cut out alcohol or carbs or sugar...sorry...wrong girl.).  I want to focus on real friendships and how I can make their lives better.  I love it when people do the small things for me (like remembering my birthday with a small gift, or bring my coffee, or a meal)  Those small, but thoughtful gestures mean the world, and I want to do it more for others.  I want to really think through my words and choices - in every aspect.  I want my children and husband to be proud that I am their mother and wife.

This will also be another year of changes, but I am so grateful for the stability of my family and friends, my church, and God's unwavering love for us.

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