Monday, November 3, 2014


This was Emma's first real Halloween.  Last year, she wasn't really old enough to trick or treat, so I was really excited this year!  We went back and forth on her costume...first she wanted to be a ballerina, then a I thought maybe we would combine the 2 and be a spider ballerina...but then she got super afraid of spiders...sigh.  I had already bought the black tutu and top, so the next best thing was a kitty cat.  It actually was really easy, Emma loved it, and she didn't fuss over it.  I was worried she wouldn't let me paint her face, or refuse to wear the headband and tail.  But she was super cute, and had a blast!! 

I took a billion be forewarned!

We had a blast!  My parents came over to hang out, and help with passing out candy so we could trick or treat a few houses.  Brent got off work early to help out, and carve the pumpkin (a task I loathe!)  I was exhausted by the end of the day, but went to bed with so many beautiful memories:)

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