Monday, December 17, 2012


Miss Emma is growing up so fast!  I have been bad about posting lately and keeping up with her new moves, so here is a snapshot of the last month!

New tricks - sitting up on our own! (She just started getting the hang of it..but still a bit wobbly!)
Loving baby food - the kid eats anything - fruits, veges, meats, combos.....she currently gets 2 jars of babyfood a day, and formula the rest of the time.
Sleeping - still sleeping through the night, going down earlier as time goes on (was 8-9pm, now is more like7-8pm) and sleeps until 6:30am.
Clothes - wearing 6-9 month clothes
Favorite nap spot - carseat.  I can't take this child anywhere without her falling asleep.  I have been known to drive around town aimlessly so she can nap.
Favorite toy - cloth books, plastic tags, magazines, and a newly found interest in my phone

We are ready for winter!!! 

New obsession....magazines!

And....we eat the pages!  Reading is overrated!

Happy as a clam....even though we managed to "strain" so hard pooping that we bursted a blood vessel in our right eye!
Big girl chair...loving eating food in it and also banging on the tray.
Received a Christmas gift from Aunt Kim, and probably should have waited until the BIG day to open, but I couldn't resist.  Emma was SOOOOOO excited and inquisitive!  She could not wait for dad to come home so she could open it! 

"Come on!  I wanna see what's inside!"

"Whadoya mean, we gotta wait for dad to get home?"




"I'm not supposed to eat the paper?  That's not the gift? Oh."

"Best gift ever....bubble wrap!"

After we finally got to the real presents, all Emma wanted to do was eat them.

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